Christmas in Bavaria | DW's press releases | DW | 13.11.2012
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Christmas in Bavaria

TV magazine In Focus; show runs December 23-25

While for many people the pre-Christmas period is hectic and stressful, intimate and tranquil moments still do exist, often embodied in old religious customs. Some of these convey the core meaning of the Christmas story and have been practiced for centuries: for example, the blessing of the advent wreaths in the church at Bad Tölz before the candles are lit, the old Baroque crib in Weilheim with its figures portraying divine salvation, and the tradition of "Kletzenbrot" - the baking of a fruit bread known as the "sweet love of God."

The documentary Heaven on Earth - Christmas in the Foothills of the Bavarian Alps goes in search of Christmas traditions beyond the ubiquitous seasonal kitsch.

TV magazine:
In Focus

Broadcast times (GMT/UTC):

December 23: 22:15
December 24: 6:15, 13:15, 17:15
December 25: 4:15, 10:15

DW (Europe):
December 24: 4:15, 17:15
December 25: 6:15, 13:15

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