DW Cameraman Injured by Russian Cluster Munitions in Ukraine | DW's press releases | DW | 22.07.2023
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DW Cameraman Injured by Russian Cluster Munitions in Ukraine

About 23 kilometers from the front, Deutsche Welle cameraman Ievgen Shylko was hit and injured by shrapnel from a Russian cluster munition. One Ukrainian soldier died in the attack; others were seriously injured.

While filming at a Ukrainian army training ground near Druzhkivka in the Donbas region, a DW team came under Russian artillery fire at 12:10 p.m. local time today. DW cameraman Ievgen Shylko was injured by a piece of shrapnel from Russian cluster munitions.

DW correspondent Mathias Bölinger and a security escort survived the attack unharmed. Shylko is being treated in a Ukrainian hospital; his condition is stable so far. The journalists' vehicle was also hit. The target of the Russian attack was presumably the Ukrainian training ground. 

DW correspondent Bölinger: "We were filming the Ukrainian army during target practice when suddenly we heard several explosions. We lay down, more explosions followed, we saw people were wounded. Later, the Ukrainian army confirmed that we had been fired at with cluster munitions."

DW Director-General Peter Limbourg: "I am very relieved that Ievgen Shylko's life is not in danger and wish him a fast recovery. Journalists risk their lives every day to report on the Russian war of aggression - they deserve my utmost respect and thanks. Despite all the safety precautions taken and the distance from the Russian front, the work of our colleagues in the war zone remains dangerous."

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