Interview with DW Akademie's Director: We work 'on behalf of the freedom of the press' | DW's press releases | DW | 15.06.2020
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Interview with DW Akademie's Director: We work 'on behalf of the freedom of the press'

Promoting media freedom worldwide: That is the mission of the DW Akademie. In an interview with Internet portal, Director Carsten von Nahmen explained the importance of this mission.

In the interview, Director Carsten von Nahmen explained the importance of DW Akademie's mission:

"Our core task is development cooperation in the area of freedom of the media and freedom of opinion. Just as the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) drills wells and improves the food supply, we try to establish functioning media systems or support their creation. We want to promote freedom of the media and independent journalism around the world. To this end, we work together with local partners and analyze the situation in the country - what are the problems, what are the starting points, which potential partners can we approach. 
We pay particular attention to sustainability. We do not want to build systems that collapse again as soon as we leave the country."

Read the entire interview here.

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Carla Hagemann

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