KLICK! 2013: Closing Date for Entries | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 09.04.2013
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KLICK! 2013: Closing Date for Entries

Entries for the photo competition “KLICK! Your View of a Sustainable Economy“ are no longer being accepted. Thanks to everyone who submitted their photographs for consideration in this year’s contest.

Unfortunately we were unable to include all of the submissions because many photos didn’t meet the size requirements and some were unrelated to the competition theme.

All of the suitable entries will now be added to our database and prepared for the round of online voting, which begins on 17 April 2013.

Internet users around the world will be able to vote for their favorite pictures to help us select the ten most impressive images. These will be part of an exhibit at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum from 17-19 June 2013. Conference participants will then choose the top three winners.