Open Situation Room: How to engage post-sanction Iran? | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 13.06.2016
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Open Situation Room: How to engage post-sanction Iran?

Monday, June 13 / Gremiensaal DW / 2.00 p.m.

Among the few isolated countries in the world Iran has arguably the largest potential – how to secure best Iran's constructive role in the region and beyond?

The Open Situation Room (OSR) offers a unique opportunity to discuss innovative ideas and work on new solutions with creative thinkers and foreign policy makers. Marian Schuegraf, Minister Counsellor at the German Embassy in Teheran will brief you on the current situation in Iran and appraises your ideas. This three hour workshop is organized by the Mercator Program Center for International Affairs and the German Federal Foreign Office.

For participation, please email your name, institution and a short motivation letter to

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