Showcase DW Research and Cooperation Projects | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 09.06.2017
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Showcase DW Research and Cooperation Projects

hosted by Deutsche Welle

1. "Let's verify together" - Truly Media a novel technology platform to fight misinformation and fake news co-developed by DW with and for journalists.
2. "Says who?" Quote/unquote Audio Producer, a new production tool to easily edit and publish audio quotes, enhances your web content with original sound bytes.
3. "Follow the money" -  Track European development funding with tools from the Your Data Stories project #datajournalism.


Julia Bayer - Innovation Manager, Deutsche Welle, Germany

Mirko Lorenz - Innovation Manager, Deutsche Welle, Germany

Ruben Bouwmeester - Media & Trainer Social Media Verification, Deutsche Welle, Germany
Tilman Wagner - Innovation Manager, Deutsche Welle, Germany