Simbi, Charles | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 10.04.2012
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Simbi, Charles

Head of Programs, Story Workshop Educational Trust, Malawi

Bild: 7_Foto_Charles Simbi_RN _244x330.jpg Titel: GMF12 Foto Charles Simbi Schlagworte: Global Media Forum 2012, Speaker7 Beschreibung: Speaker Charles Simbi auf dem Global Media Forum 2012 Format: Sonderformat 244x330 Bildrechte: Charles Simbi Verwertungsrechte im Kontext des Global Media Forums 2012 eingeräumt.

Charles Simbi is the head of programs for Story Workshop Educational Trust, a development communication organization in Malawi. He is a skilled curriculum designer and trainer working across different methods and media, including behavior change and participatory communication, theatre, TV and radio. He has created more than a thousand scripts for radio and TV serials, documentaries, feature movies, and comic books on themes ranging from safe motherhood and children’s rights to democracy and food security. Simbi has been instrumental in the development of practical models of participatory learning for radio. He holds a BA in education and a diploma in HIV-AIDS Behaviour Change Communication.

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