The Rights to Education and Sexual Self-Determination | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 02.03.2012
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The Rights to Education and Sexual Self-Determination

Ein Teilnehmerin des Slutwalk demonstriert am Samstag (13.08.11) in Hamburg fuer die Selbstbestimmung ueber Koerper und Sexualitaet. Die Slutwalks - zu Deutsch: Schlampenspaziergang - sind weltweit als Reaktion auf vorherschende Rollenklischees und als Bewegung gegen Sexismus und sexuelle Gewalt entstanden. Foto: Sebastian Wagner/dapd

25 June, 4:00 p.m., Room A/B
Hosted by German Institute for Human Rights

This panel discussion will highlight the conflict-ridden area of sexual self-determination in realizing the human right to education. Whereas numerous organizations and institutions have developed innovative approaches to integrating the perspectives of LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- and intersexual people) into education over the past several decades, there are still a great number of states and stakeholders strongly opposed to the idea of empowering children and youth for sexual self-determination. Panelists and participants will share their ideas, highlight conflict areas and discuss possible solutions.


Fisher, John
Co-Director, ARC International

Kilanowski, Kerstin
Journalist and Media Trainer for Diversity

Lohrenscheit, Dr. Claudia (Moderator)
Head of Human Rights Education, German Institute for Human Rights, Germany

Rudolf, Prof. Beate
Director, German Institute for Human Rights, Germany

Špiljak, Karmen
Political Scientist, Freelance Author/Trainer, PhD Student at Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis in Slovenia

Guest Speaker (via Skype):

Wairimu Michengi, Journalist, “The Star”, Kenia